Monday, June 17, 2013

Generating Personal Characteric numbers with a spreadsheet

Ok, I'm building a prototype of the Personal Characteristics module in my application in Excel.

I stuck a couple three cells to roll dice for me, thus

d100 Roll Select& Press F9 43
d20 Roll Select & Press F9 10
d6 Roll Select & Press F9 6

Label Cells                               Formula Cells
"d100 Roll by pressing" F9   =RANDBETWEEN(1,100)
"d20 Roll by pressing"   F9  =RANDBETWEEN(1,20)
"d6 Roll by pressing"     F9 =RANDBETWEEN(1,6)

Then I built a table, with the rows being the 14 Prime Characteristics.

Columns are Characteristic Name, Die Roll, Modifier to the Die Roll, and Modified Die roll. The fourth column, of course, equals the sum of the second and third.

I calculate a total cost for the Modifiers, with a conditional formatting if the total goes over 35, changing the cell to yellow. The total cost = the sum of all the modifers except psionics, which only costs half the modifier. The player has to keep track of what Personal Characteristic rolls can be modified for the selected profession.

The next two columns allow the user to look up the personal characterisitc values for the die roll and modified die roll. A last column allows the user to put in the final characteristic value after all the various adjustments for Home gravity and Profession. This last column's values will be transcribed to the character sheet.

Below is a calculated table showing the calculated preservice  skill point totals for each profession, including the alternate calculation for Med techs. These are based on the unmodified, modified, and final adjusted values columns for Personal characteristics. I included the unmodified and modified calculations to help the user mini-max a bit while modifing die rolls.

Next there are spaces for recording Planetary Gravity, Athmosphere, and climate rolls, and for noting the effects. The rules assume these will be generated randomly, rather than being based on a world already created for the campaign. Sounds like a place for the players to do some colabrative world building, by fleshing out their characters' homeworlds.

Next there's a table where the user can record if the charcter being created, base on attributes and home planet, qulifies to be an alien.

(Humans, Humanoids, and for some dang reason, Avians, are automatic qualifications. Other "races" will have minimum and maximum values for certain characteristics, as well as restrictions on their homeworlds.)

Next is a place to record height and weight of the charcter, and calculated fields for their secondary characteristics such as Wound Factor and Carrying capacity.

Developing the characters prior service and allocating Skill points will be addressed by future tools.

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